Working with providers and consumers to achieve positive outcomes. Participating in wind energy, solar power and carbon-based generation.
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Recognizing the need and challenge of connecting ALL of Colorado for residential and business growth.

Advocating on behalf of industry leaders. Indentify funding, marketing and event opportunities through both legislative, electoral and business environments.

Appreciating the unique opportunities and challenges non-metropolitan areas represent for business growth and development.

Developing in-depth understanding of community outreach and involvement.
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Having been involved in the world of political consulting, lobbying, government and community affairs for over 30 years, KOLOMITZ and COMPANY has experience working in and with nearly every sector of the economy. Some of those sectors include:
Transportation * Health Care * School Finance * Agriculture * Water * Telecommunications * Public Finance * Energy * Tourism * Economic Development * Cannabis * Hemp * Construction *Gaming * Education * Real Estate
If you don’t see your sector listed please contact us, we’d be happy to listen to your needs and offer a solution based on our experience.